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Past event 2008
15 MAY



OPTICAL TWEEZERS Symposium - 15 MAY 2008

Posters 1 - 10
P1 - An Optical Tweezers Study: Fullerenes May Induce Toxic Physical Changes of DNA F. Czerwinski et al. (Univ. of Copenhagen, DK) forward [Abstract PDF]
P2 - Extreme Exploration of Optical Trapping Potential A.C. Richardson et al. (Univ. of Copenhagen, DK & Inst. of Adv. Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran) forward [Abstract PDF]
P3 - Analysis of Cell Viability in Optical Tweezers as a Prelude to Force Measurements R. Warren et al. (Univ. of Glasgow, UK) forward [Abstract PDF]
P4 - The Role of Red Blood Cells in Clot Formation C. Wagner et al. (Univ.d. Saarlandes, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P5 - Coated Particles as Enhanced Probes for Optical Tweezers A. Jannasch et al. (MPI CBG Dresden, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P6 - Micromanipulation of Lipid Vesicles and Cells in Drug Delivery Using Optical Tweezers I. Paraico et al. (Univ. of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", RO & National Tech. Univ. of Athens, GR) forward [Abstract PDF]
P7 - 3D Highspeed Interferometric Tracking of Several Diffusing Particles in an Optical Line Trap M. Speidel et al. (Univ. of Freiburg, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P8 - Studying Molecular Interactions by Optical Tweezers M. Salomo et al. (Univ. Leipzig, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P9 - Optical Tweezers for Single-Molecule Biological Studies: Instrument and Assay Development M. Ander et al. (BIOTEC TU Dresden, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P10 - Towards High-Throughput Optical Tweezers Experiments A.E. Wallin et al. (Helsinki Univ. of Technology, FIN & University of Leeds, UK) forward [Abstract PDF]

Posters 11 - 20
P11 - Stiffer Optical Tweezers Using Acousto-Optic Deflectors and Predictive Feedback Control Implemented on FPGAs H. Ojala et al. (Univ. of Helsinki, FIN & University of Leeds, UK) forward [Abstract PDF]
P12 - Single Beam Optical Tweezers Setup with Backscattered Light Detection for 3D Measurements on DNA and Nanopores A. Sischka et al. (Univ. Bielefeld, CeNTech Münster & Univ. of Konstanz, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P13 - Topoisomerase I Inhibition by LAMD Investigated With Optical Tweezers Single Molecule Force Measurements D. Anselmetti et al. (Univ. Bielefeld, D & Univ. of Barcelona, E) forward [Abstract PDF]
P14 - Measurement of the Force Exerted by Neurites During Neuronal Differentiation F. Difato et al. (IIT Genova, SISSA-ISAS & CNR-INFM Trieste, I) forward [Abstract PDF]
P15 - The Mechanical Properties of Alpha-Satellite DNA as Analyzed by Optical Tweezers Force Measurements and Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging M. Bussiek et al. (Univ. of Twente, NL) forward [Abstract PDF]
P16 - Puzzling Transcription - Single Molecule Experiments With RNA Polymerase M. Jahnel et al. (MPI CBG Dresden, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P17 - Combination of Optical Tweezers and Fluorescence Microscopy to Study DNA Protein Interactions at Single Molecular Level C.U. Murade et al. (Univ. of Twente, NL) forward [Abstract PDF]
P18 - Combination of Single Molecule FRET Spectroscopy With Optical Tweezers: a Powerful Tool for Mechanistic Studies of Enzymes Like the H+-ATPsynthase R. Bienert et al. (Univ. Freiburg, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P19 - Active and Passive Rheology with the Photonic Force Microscope F. Wählisch et al. (Univ. Würzburg, Fraunhofer IBMT St. Ingbert & lpi Berlin, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P20 - Optical Force Based Investigations of Cell Mechanical Concepts During Phagocytosis F. Kohler et al. (Univ. of Freiburg, D & Yale University, USA) forward [Abstract PDF]

Posters 21 - 30
P21 - Cell sorting by Optical Forces in a Microfluidic Chamber B. Landenberger et al. (Univ. of Freiburg, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P22 - The Internal Elasticity of the F-ATP Synthase H. Sielaff et al. (Univ. of Osnabrück, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P23 - Convenient Light Microscopy Adapters for Optical Trapping, Cutting, and Excitation in Biological Experiments H.M. �erý et al. (Ac. of Sciences of the Czech Republic & Meopta-optika, CZ) forward [Abstract PDF]
P24 - Flow Field Analysis with Dynamic Phase Contrast Microscopy and Optical Micromanipulation in Microfluidic Systems M. Wördemann et al. (Univ. of Münster, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P25 - Surface Scanning With Optically Trapped Probes L. Friedrich et al. (Univ. of Freiburg, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P26 - Ultra-Miniaturized Optical Particle Manipulation Using Densely Integrated Laser Arrays A. Kroner et al. (Univ. of Ulm, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P27 - Protein Dynamics and Cell Motility of a Trypanosome E. Stellamanns et al. (MPI Göttingen, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P28 - Disassembly Of Fluorescent Rad51 Recombinases Occurs In Bursts And Depends On Tension J. v.Mameren et al. (VU Univ. Amsterdam & Erasmus Med. Center Rotterdam, NL) forward [Abstract PDF]
P29 - Three-Dimensional Mechanics and Dynamics of Microtubules F. Pampaloni et al. (Univ. of Bari, I & EMBL Heidelberg, D) forward [Abstract PDF]
P30 - LED Illumination for Video-Enhanced DIC Imaging of Single Microtubules V. Bormuth et al. (MPI CBG Dresden, D) forward [Abstract PDF]

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a JPK initiated knowledge forum
Bouchéstrasse 12 • 12435 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 5331 12070

8 - 9 OCTOBER 2008

Palisadenstrasse 48
10243 Berlin